UK - Should car dealerships tailor after-sales services according to the customer’s age?

UK - Should car dealerships tailor after-sales services according to the customer’s age?

Janice Fernandes - January 16th, 2024

In a recent YouGov survey, we delve into the preferences of UK car owners to understand what after-sales services they value most and how it differs across age groups.

Regular maintenance and servicing emerge as the top priority among UK car owners, with 57% saying they value this service. Not far behind is quick and efficient repairs, garnering 55% of respondents. Additionally, 24/7 roadside assistance proved to be a valued service for nearly half of the respondents (49%). Complimentary services, such as car wash and tyre rotation, also garnered significant attention, with 47% of respondents expressing interest. But unlike car owners in US, it’s not the topmost priority.

Across age groups, regular maintenance remains the most valued after-sales service – 48% of 18-29-year-olds, 59% of 30-50 and 58% of 51+ selected this option--followed by quick and efficient repairs, which also remains consistently valued across age groups, with 43%, 59%, and 56% for the 18-29, 30-50, and 51+ groups, respectively.

While 24/7 roadside assistance is almost equally valued among all age groups, ranging from 47% to 50%, there are notable differences when it comes to complimentary services. The 18-29 age group shows the lowest interest at 36%, while the 30-50 age group values these services the most at 54%.

Around two-fifths of all respondents (40%) express a preference for loaner or rental cars during service, but this inclination is notably higher among those aged 55 and above (44%), compared to 18-29-year-olds (26%). Extended warranty options follow a similar pattern, with 29% and 39% for the 18-29 and 30-50 age groups, respectively.

Other notable preferences include service reminder notifications among 35% of all respondents, comparatively more sought after by those over 51 years (37%) than younger car owners (27% of 18-29-year-olds). Online appointment scheduling is favoured by 31% of all respondents, with a higher preference among the 30-50 age group at 37%. Accessible customer support and customer loyalty programs receive relatively consistent attention across age groups.

The survey sheds light on the nuanced preferences of UK car owners when it comes to after-sales services offered by dealerships. While there are commonalities across age groups, the variations highlight the importance of tailoring services to specific demographic needs and expectations.

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Methodology: YouGov polled 1,000 UK adults who are car owners on January 5, 2024. The survey was carried out through YouGov Surveys: Self-serve. Data is weighted by age, gender, political affiliation, education level and region. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Self-serve.

Image: Getty Images