When it comes to auto accessories, do consumers prefer name-brand products or generic ones?

When it comes to auto accessories, do consumers prefer name-brand products or generic ones?

Lesley Simeon - December 8th, 2023

A new YouGov survey checks in with consumers on their preferences when it comes to name-brand or generic automotive accessories.

We asked consumers across 17 international markets if they buy the generic or the branded versions of certain products. For automotive accessories, fewer than a quarter (23%) of respondents across all markets say they mostly buy branded products. More than a quarter (26%) of them say they buy equal amounts of branded and generic versions of automotive accessories, while 16% of them mostly buy generic products.

Let us now look at consumers’ automotive accessories buying preferences, by market.

Indians are most likely to buy branded auto accessories; Polish consumers are most likely to buy generic ones

Except for Singapore, consumers from all the Asian markets we surveyed are more likely than those from our European markets to opt for branded automotive accessories.

Indians are most likely (44%) across all our markets to say they mostly prefer buying branded automotive accessories. Over a quarter of consumers in the UAE (33%), Hong Kong (33%), Indonesia (27%) and Mexico (27%) also say they prefer name-brand auto accessories.

Conversely, Singaporeans (12%), Danes (16%) and Britons (16%) are the least likely to buy branded automotive accessories.

Italians account for the largest share of consumers (31%) who say they buy equal amounts of branded and generic automotive accessories. Similar proportions of consumers in Canada, Spain and Mexico (30% each) are of the same opinion. In the US, more than a quarter of consumers (26%) say they buy branded and generic automotive accessories in equal numbers.

As for consumers who mostly prefer buying generic automotive accessories, Poland leads (22%) followed by Italy (21%). Hong Kong accounts for the lowest share of consumers (3%) who buy generic automotive accessories.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between 508 and 2001 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in September 2023. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem on Pexels