US Black Friday 2023 results: Retail winners by Ad Awareness and Consideration

US Black Friday 2023 results: Retail winners by Ad Awareness and Consideration

Hoang Nguyen - December 1st, 2023

We’ve officially wrapped up the Black Friday weekend and Cyber Monday shopping period and now have a chance to reflect on how major retailers fared this year.

Data from YouGov BrandIndex reveals that a diverse landscape of retailers captured the attention and intent of shoppers leading up to and through those prime shopping days. Let's see how household names such as Walmart, Target, Costco and others performed in November.

The top retailer in terms of Ad Awareness (whether a consumer has seen or heard an ad for a brand) this Black Friday period was Walmart, with 48% of US consumers saying they saw an ad for the retailer. Notably, Walmart also secured the highest Consideration score (61%) of all general merchandisers, showing a strong likelihood among consumers of considering buying from the brand during the Black Friday period (Nov. 1st – 27th).

Target also stood out with an Ad Awareness score of 41%, showcasing strong brand and marketing visibility. Target’s Consideration score of 38% nearly matches its marketing penetration and is second highest among all general retailers.

Kohl’s (26%), Walgreens (24%) and CVS (22%) were other big advertising winners this year, with roughly a quarter of US consumers saying they saw an ad for each of the retailers in November.

Wholesale retailers such as Costco (15%) and Sam’s Club (12%) rank lower in terms of Ad Awareness compared to the brands mentioned so far, but Costco’s Consideration score (28%) compares favorably against the scores of Kohl’s (23%), CVS (25%) and Walgreens (28%) despite the higher levels of advertising reach enjoyed by these brands.

Macy’s (18%), J.C. Penney (14%) and T.J. Maxx (10%) round out the list of top 10 general retailers by Ad Awareness this Black Friday season.

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