Behind the wheels: car ownership in Singapore

Behind the wheels: car ownership in Singapore

Kevin Rustika - December 6th, 2023

Owning a car in Singapore is considered a luxury, with the high price points, Certificate of Entitlement (COE) and limited space. Furthermore, the integrated transport system allows the ease to travel to practically anywhere in Singapore. Despite this, our study shows 34% of Singaporeans own at least 1 car.

Our most recent infographic delves into the multifaceted landscape of car ownership in the city-state, offering illuminating insights into the specific types of cars favored by owners and the financial considerations that underpin these choices. The study goes beyond the current ownership landscape, extending its focus to the future by examining potential car buyers. It provides a comprehensive analysis of their demographics, financial mindsets, and other relevant factors that influence their decisions. For a deeper understanding of these trends and to uncover valuable insights, we invite you to download our study now.