Reconnecting in 3,2,1 - Are users happy with digital experiences offered by cell network providers?

Reconnecting in 3,2,1 - Are users happy with digital experiences offered by cell network providers?

Lesley Simeon - November 10th, 2023

Flexible plans, extensive coverage, the fastest 5G connectivity, affordable rates are some of the features cell or mobile phone network providers list out to attract customers. Another feature customers might potentially take into account before signing up for or continuing with a network provider is a high quality digital experience. Polling data from a recent YouGov survey reveals that the digital experiences offered by mobile phone network providers are in fact among those consumers are most happy with.

The YouGov survey - which asked consumers across 17 international markets about sectors whose digital experiences they are happy with - shows that over a quarter (29%) of consumers across all our markets are satisfied with cell network providers’ digital experiences in 2023. The figure, however, is lower than the 33% figure our survey in 2022 reported.

As for good digital experiences in 2023, banks top our list (43%) followed by streaming companies (32%).

Looking into YouGov’s demographic data, we see that 30% of men are happy with the digital experiences offered by cell network providers - down from 34% in 2022. A similar proportion of women (28%) are of the similar opinion. Comparatively, over three in ten (31%) women across all markets said they were happy with the digital experiences provided in 2022.

Let’s now dive into digital experience satisfaction levels, by country.

Consumers in our Nordic markets are least likely to say that cell network providers deliver good digital experiences 

Urban India leads, with the market accounting for the largest share of consumers (44%) who say mobile phone network providers offer good digital experiences in 2023. However, this has slipped from 51% in 2022.

Hong Kong (42%) and Indonesia (41%) follow urban India. Singapore finds a spot in the top ten with a third (33%) of Singaporeans saying they are happy with the digital experiences offered.

US and Great Britain feature in the second half of our list - and both countries see lower figures compared to last year. In 2023, less than a quarter of Americans (23%, eight percentage-points down from 31% in 2022) and Britons (24%, two percentage-points down from 26% in 2022) say cell or mobile phone network providers offer good digital experiences.

Consumers from our Nordic markets, Sweden (13%) and Denmark (20%) are least likely to say that the sector delivers good digital experiences.

As for the rest of Europe, Poland leads with less than a third (32%) of consumers here saying the sector provides good digital experiences, while consumers in Germany (21% in 2023, down from 27% in 2022) are least likely to say so.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between 513/512 and 2008/2000 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in August 2022/August 2023. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels