How gamers across 6 key markets discover new video games

How gamers across 6 key markets discover new video games

Kineree Shah - November 6th, 2023

YouGov's latest survey provides a comprehensive look into how gamers from six markets discover new video games, unveiling a consistent trend – a significant proportion uncover new games through online reviews, ads or social media. For this piece we define gamers as adults who play video games for more than an hour in a week on PC or gaming consoles.

Online reviews lead the charge in Sweden, with one-fifth of gamers turning to them for insights (18%). This trend underscores a considerable trust in digital feedback from fellow players. Social media and online ads follow closely, engaging 13% and 11% of gamers, respectively. Interestingly, traditional channels like television advertisements and in-store promotions cater to a smaller segment, drawing the attention of only 3% of gamers each. Word-of-mouth, often seen as a timeless method of recommendation, continues to have its charm, influencing 8% of Swedish gamers.

For Australian gamers, both online reviews (20%) and social media (18%) emerge as dominant sources, each appealing to one in five of the gaming community. While television advertisements seem to hold a relatively more substantial ground in Australia at 9% compared to Sweden, it's evident that digital platforms are the primary source of discovery. Word-of-mouth recommendations capture one-tenth of gamers.

The British gaming community displays a marked preference for online reviews, with a significant one-third relying on them for discovering new titles (30%). Social media platforms attract 15% of the gamers, making it the second most popular avenue. Online ads cater to one in ten gamers, while word-of-mouth recommendations are a top source of game discovery for 14%. Traditional advertising channels, such as TV ads and in-store promotions, hold minimal allure, with both standing at 3%.

The US gaming landscape prominently echoes the global digital-first trend. Social media stands out as a chief discovery channel, engaging over one in five gamers (22%). Word-of-mouth (17%) showcases its sustained relevance. Meanwhile, online reviews (14%) and advertisements (13%) reach nearly one in eight gamers, marking a balanced influence. Television ads and in-store promotions, however, attract a relatively smaller fraction of the gaming populace (7% and 4% respectively).

In the UAE, the digital domain exhibits a strong grip on gamers' discovery patterns. Both social media and online ads engage more than a quarter of the gaming community (27%). Online reviews consistently cater to 14% of the gamers, while word-of-mouth recommendations influence around one in ten. Traditional avenues, such as TV ads (7%) and in-store promotions (6%), play a more subdued role in this market.

India showcases an immense reliance on digital platforms for game discoveries. Social media and online ads resonate with an identical share of gamers (29% each). Online reviews appeal to nearly one-fifth (18%). One in 10 discover new video games by word-of-mouth recommendations. Television advertisements (5%) and in-store promotions (3%), however, seem to have a more limited impact on gamers' discovery processes.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 18 markets with sample sizes varying between 127 and 375 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in August 2023. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from India, which use urban representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.