British gamers’ take on AI in video games

British gamers’ take on AI in video games

Kineree Shah - November 1st, 2023

A new survey conducted by YouGov Surveys: Self-serve explored the views of 700 British gamers on the evolving role of AI in video games. When asked about the appeal of playing games where non-player characters (NPCs) evolve and change behaviors using AI, as opposed to traditional scripted actions or dialogue, three in five gamers expressed interest. A third of gamers were not interested in the idea.

AI's potential to tailor in-game stories and decisions based on a player's personal preferences and choices was met with a similar level of enthusiasm. Three-fifths expressed interest in such a feature (62%), while three in 10 were not interested.

The potential impact of AI on employment in the video game industry was a more divisive topic. While 34% of gamers believe that AI would positively influence job creation, 31% felt the opposite, viewing AI as a potential threat to jobs. A quarter predicted that AI would neither positively nor negatively impact employment opportunities in the sector (24%).

On the question of game quality, two in five gamers say that AI would lead to better-quality games compared to what's currently available (39%). On the other hand, more than a quarter predicted that games could deteriorate in quality due to AI integration (27%). Meanwhile, 16% of gamers felt that AI would make no discernible difference in the quality of games.

Our data underscores the gaming community's mixed feelings about the integration of AI. While there's evident excitement about the technological advancements and the potential for personalized experiences, concerns about job security and game quality persist. It will be fascinating to see how these perceptions evolve as AI continues to play an increasingly prominent role in game development and design.

Methodology: YouGov polled 700 British adult gamers online on September 26, 2023. The survey was carried out through YouGov Surveys: Self-serve. Data is weighted by age, gender, education level, region, and social grade. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Self-serve.