The future of home living: Smart home appliances ownership in Australia

The future of home living: Smart home appliances ownership in Australia

Carmen Yew - November 2nd, 2023

In the era of rapid technological advancements and a growing appetite for convenience and efficiency, smart home appliances are revolutionizing the way we live. In Australia, the adoption of smart home appliances is on the rise, with almost half of households now owning at least one smart home device.

Smart home appliances offer a myriad of benefits, including convenience, energy savings, and security. They can make our everyday lives easier and more efficient, help us save money on our energy bills, and protect our homes from intruders.

While there are some challenges associated with the adoption of smart home appliances, such as cost and complexity, Australians generally have a positive attitude towards these technologies. In fact, over 44% of Australians believe that smart home appliances are making their lives easier.

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of smart home ownership in Australia, the demographics of smart home appliance owners, the factors driving the adoption of these innovative technologies, the challenges they pose, and attitudes towards various sectors.