Britons attitudes toward plant-based diets during fake meat's earnings slump

Britons attitudes toward plant-based diets during fake meat's earnings slump

Janice Fernandes - August 30th, 2023

In wake of Beyond Meat's recent announcement of a 31% year-on-year decrease in earnings, we look at the landscape of dietary preferences and consumer attitudes toward plant-based alternatives. While the company's financial performance has raised questions about the adoption of meat substitutes, data from YouGov Profiles sheds light on the perspectives held by Britons regarding their willingness to embrace plant-based diets.

When asked if they agree or disagree with the statement “I am open to substituting meat/dairy products with plant-based alternatives”, nearly two-fifths of consumers agree (42%).

There is a generational divide among consumers who are willing to switch to a plant-based diet with younger Britons more open to the idea than older consumers. Over half of Gen Z (56%) and Millennials (51%) are open to substituting meat/dairy products with alternatives. Gen X consumers who agree with the statement nearly balance out those who disagree (41% vs. 49%).

On the other hand, over half of Baby Boomers (57%) and nearly two-thirds of the Silent Generation (62%) disagree with the idea of substituting products in their diet.

Among consumers who are open to eating plant-based products instead of meat and dairy, concerns over animal welfare could act as a key motivator (34%), followed by environmental reasons (33%) and general health reasons (31%). These factors are also most likely to encourage consumers across all generations to change diets.

Baby Boomers are most likely of all consumers to adopt a vegan/vegetarian diet because of animal welfare concerns (41%) and general health concerns (40%). Environmental reasons are not high on the list for this group of consumers (29%).

Like Baby Boomers, Gen X consumers are also most likely to say animal welfare concerns might encourage them to switch to a meatless diet (34%). The other factors would influence around one-fifths of the generation to make the switch.

For nearly three-tenths of Gen Z consumers, concerns about health risks related to meat/fish production (29%) would influence them to change their diets. Other than health and environmental reasons, 28% of Gen Z-ers are also willing to turn vegan/vegetarian to eat more cheaply.

Millennials share similar inclinations to turn vegan/vegetarian as all Brits who are open to eating alternatives to meat and dairy. Around a quarter would switch to a no meat/dairy diet because of concerns related to meat/fish production, healthiness of processed meat products and wanting to eat more cheaply (25% each).

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for Great Britain is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles

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