US and GB: Opera launches AI chatbot ‘Aria’ - How do its users feel about AI and chatbots?

US and GB: Opera launches AI chatbot ‘Aria’ - How do its users feel about AI and chatbots?

Lesley Simeon - July 17th, 2023

Nearly a month after it first announced that it was testing an AI sidebar in its browser, Opera has launched ‘Opera One’ - a new version of the browser, complete with an AI-powered chatbot dubbed ‘Aria’. The chatbot will help users with tasks like answering their questions using real-time information, generating text or code and brainstorming ideas.

We look at YouGov data to see what the browser’s frequent users in the US and Great Britain feel about artificial intelligence and chatbots.

According to YouGov Profiles, which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioral consumer metrics, Opera’s users in the US are more likely than its users in Great Britain to hold favorable views towards both, artificial intelligence and chatbots.

For instance, Opera’s users in the US are more likely than the general US population to agree that “in the future, artificial intelligence will help humans in most of their daily tasks” (68% vs. 59%). Opera’s users are also more likely than the general population to say they love the ease of using chatbots to get answers (56% vs. 36%).

In Great Britain, 60% of Opera’s users feel they think in the future artificial intelligence will help humans in most of their daily tasks and 38% of them agree that they love the ease of using chatbots to get answers.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US and Great Britain is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.

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