UAE’s TikTok Power Users Report

UAE’s TikTok Power Users Report

Shivanshi Shah - July 19th, 2023

TikTok has rapidly become a social media powerhouse, captivating the attention of millions worldwide. Using YouGov Profiles, a proprietary audience profiling and segmentation platform we have identified a unique group of individuals who access TikTok more than 10 times a day. This report offers a rare glimpse into their world and what sets them apart.

"The TikTok Power Users" report is your gateway to understanding the minds and lives of UAE's most engaged TikTok users. Our comprehensive report reveals that 25% of TikTok Power Users listen to podcasts several times a day, providing a valuable insight into their media consumption habits.

Gain actionable insights to help you tailor your marketing strategies, engage with this influential audience segment, and drive meaningful results.

Download the report and unlock fascinating insights about TikTok Power Users, including:

  • Demographics
  • Travel preferences
  • Beauty philosophy
  • Gastronomic lifestyle
  • Retail habits
  • Outlook towards advertising
  • Podcast consumption