US and UK: Shopify lays off 20% of global workforce - What impact did it have on the brand?

US and UK: Shopify lays off 20% of global workforce - What impact did it have on the brand?

Lesley Simeon - June 7th, 2023

Shopify has laid off 20% of its global workforce. This is the Canadian ecommerce company’s second round of layoffs as it had cut 10% of its global workforce in July last year.

We explore YouGov data to see what the brand’s Impression, Buzz and Reputation scores look like after the two rounds of layoffs.

In the US, Shopify’s Impression score - which asks consumers about their overall impression of the brand - has improved in the past year going from a net score of 5 on January 1, 2022 to 9 on May 31, 2023.

It’s Buzz metric - which measures whether consumers are hearing more positive or negative things about the brand - grew from a net score of 4 to 7 during the observation period.

Shopify’s Reputation score - which checks whether consumers would be proud or embarrassed to work for the brand - grew from a net score of 6 to 9 during the observation period.

In the UK, Shopify’s layoffs don’t seem to have had a significant effect on its Impression, Buzz or Reputation scores.

For instance, the brand’s Impression score went from a net score of 2 to 4 between January 1, 2022 and June 5, 2023. Its Buzz and Reputation scores remained mostly unchanged, growing by just a point each during the observation period.

In both markets, the news of the layoffs haven’t had an adverse impact on the Reputation scores. .

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Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. Shopify’s Reputation score is based on the question: Which of the following companies would you be proud to work for?/embarrassed to work for? and delivered as a net score between -100 and +100. Scores are based on an average daily sample size of 2532/1646 US/UK adults between January 1, 2022 and May 28, 2023. Figures are based on a 12-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.

Photo by on Unsplash