Understanding the diverse profiles of gamers in Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong

Understanding the diverse profiles of gamers in Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong

Carmen Yew - April 28th, 2023

Singapore, Indonesia, and Hong Kong are home to some of the most enthusiastic gamers in Southeast Asia. From casual gamers who enjoy a few hours of play each week to serious esports competitors, the gaming community in these countries is diverse and dynamic.

Based on the Global Gaming & Esports whitepaper 2023 that was recently released, we deep dive into the profiles of gamers in Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong in our latest infographic.

You will be able to gain insights into the gaming market in these countries, including the latest trends, gaming behavior, and demographics.

Topics uncovered:

  • Demographics of gamers
  • Time spent playing mobile games, penetration rate and average play time
  • Hardcore vs casual gamers, age and market analysis
  • Devices used to play video games
  • Gamers and virtual reality
  • Do gamers watch more video game content than the general population?

Download the full infographic here "Understanding the diverse profiles of gamers in Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong"

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