The state of evidence-based decision making in Australia and Singapore

The state of evidence-based decision making in Australia and Singapore

Carmen Yew - February 13th, 2023

Evidence-based decision making involves the use of quantitative and qualitative data to guide professionals in developing informed plans that result in improved business outcomes and reduced organizational risk. Despite its advantages, our research indicates that many decisions within organizations are still being made impulsively or based solely on gut-feel.

The quality of organizational decision making was found to vary based on factors such as management level, organizational size, age of the organization, and across the two markets where the study was conducted. This highlights the need for organizations to adopt a more evidence-based approach to decision making, in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of their decision making processes.

YouGov surveyed senior business leaders (SBL) including C-suite level executives, business owners and senior managers, in Australia and Singapore to explore the state of evidence-based decision making in these two countries.

Key insights:

  • Less than 6 in 10 senior business leaders rate the quality of decision making in their organisation as "Very Good".
  • Just 6 in 10 decisions made in organisations are based on evidence.
  • More than 8 in 10 senior business leaders have experienced negative consequences from not using evidence-based decision making and relying on gut feeling and intuition.

Find out more in the report below.

Download the full report "The state of evidence-based decision making in Australia and Singapore"

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