Thais’ Attitude towards Chinese New Year Celebration

Thais’ Attitude towards Chinese New Year Celebration

Carmen Yew - January 17th, 2023

42% of Thais are excited about the upcoming Chinese New Year festival. The Chinese New Year festival is celebrated annually in several APAC markets. It marks the start of a new lunar calendar year and is celebrated by over 1.5 billion people worldwide. This gives retailers a huge opportunity to boost sales during this festive period, especially in FMCG and Retail sectors as consumers stock up on food and buy gifts for their families and relatives. YouGov has conducted a study in Thailand, on consumer behaviour in the upcoming Chinese New Year festival.

Discover insights into the Chinese New Year Festival in Thailand:

  • Generation analysis
  • Importance of Chinese New Year festival
  • Purchasing patterms
  • Spending during Chinese New Year
  • Kind of activities spent on
  • Prefered promotions during Chinese New Year

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