US: Burger King hires a new CMO – How has the brand performed previously?

Joshua Kennedy - January 12th, 2023

Multinational fast-food chain Burger King has appointed ex-PepsiCo executive Partick O'Toole as its new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), effective February 2023. O'Toole will replace interim CMO Yosef Hojchman, who had taken over from Ellie Doty, in early November 2021. Doty joined the company in June 2020.

How did Burger King fare under Previous CMOs Ellie Doty and Yosef Hojchman's?

According to YouGov BrandIndex - which tracks consumer sentiment towards thousands of brands daily - Burger King's Ad Awareness has remained mostly static since Doty took over. The Ad Awareness score - which measures the ads customers have seen for a given restaurant chain in the past two weeks - was at 27%, both when Doty became CMO and when she left. Ad Awareness on 10 January 2023, towards the end of Hojchman's term, was at the same score (27%).

The brand’s Consideration score - which measures the percentage of customers who would consider buying from the brand the next time they are in the market for food or drinks, and the Current Customer metric - which measures the percentage of customers who made a purchase from the restaurant in the past 30 days - remained unchanged during Doty’s tenure.

Consideration scores hovered around 30% at the time of her joining and exiting. Current Customer scores also remained mostly stable, 19% at the start and end of Doty’s tenure. Hojchman’s Current Customer scores did not deviate from Doty’s time, as it was 27% in January 2023. However, the Consideration score declined slightly by three percentage points during Hojchman’s time, from 30% to 27%.

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Methodology:  YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. Burger King’s Ad Awareness metric is based on the question: “Which of the following restaurant chains have you seen an advertisement for in the PAST TWO WEEKS?” The scores are delivered as a percentage. The brand’s Consideration score is based on the question: “When you are in the market next to purchase food or drink, from which of the following would you consider purchasing?" The scores are delivered as a percentage. Burger King’s Current Customer score is based on the question: "Have you purchased food or drink from any of the following restaurant chains in the past 30 days?" The scores are delivered as a percentage. Scores are based on an average daily sample size of 3223 US adults between 1 May 2020 and 10 January 2023. Figures are based on a 4-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.