US: Pepsi wants people to mix milk and soda in a new campaign: did it get people talking?
Pepsi’s latest Christmas campaign in the US encourages people to mix their Pepsi with Milk, a drink the company dubbed “Pilk”. Headlined by actor Lindsay Lohan, Pepsi’s campaign has generated quite some press since its launch.
Did the company’s latest holiday season campaign get people talking?
According to YouGov BrandIndex – which tracks consumer sentiment towards thousands of brands daily – Pepsi’s Ad Awareness, Buzz and Word of Mouth(WOM) Exposure recorded an uptick in the days following the launch of its new campaign.
Pepsi’s Buzz – a metric which measures whether consumers are hearing more positive or negative things about the brands – jumped significantly in the days after the campaign was launched. The net score went from 8 on December 1 to 17 points on December 11.
Similarly, its Ad Awareness metric – which indicates how many and which consumers are noticing the brand’s advertising – rose from 16% on 1 December to peak at 30% on 6 December before settling at 24% on 11 December.
Finally, Pepsi’s WOM Exposure scores - which asks if consumers have talked about a brand with friends and family in the past two weeks – touched a high of around 23% on December 5, post the launch of the ‘Pilk’ campaign before dropping to 16% on December 11.
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Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day.
Pepsi’s Index score is an overall measure of brand health, made up of General Impression, Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Value, Corporate Reputation and Recommendation and delivered as a net score between -100 and +100. Its Buzz score is based on the question: Over the past two weeks which of the following beverage brands have you heard something positive about? Now which of the following have you heard something negative about over the past two weeks? and delivered as a net score between -100 and +100. Its Ad Awareness score is based on the question: Which of the following beverage brands have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks? and delivered as a percentage. It’s WOM Exposure score is based on the question: Which of the following beverage brands have you talked about with friends and family in the past two weeks? and delivered as a percentage. Scores are based on an average daily sample size 282 US adults between 25 November 2022 and 7 December 2022. Figures are based on a four-day moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.