Discovering the Double Digit Sales Shoppers in Indonesia and Thailand

Discovering the Double Digit Sales Shoppers in Indonesia and Thailand

Carmen Yew - November 9th, 2022

Have you ever wondered how big the "double-digit sale" trend is in APAC? These are popular sales dates that begin at the end of the year: 9.9, 10.10, 11.11, and 12.12.

The double-digit sale is thought to have been influenced by and modified from the 11 November Chinese Singles' Day, which was used to commemorate singledom. Since then, online retail platforms quickly seized this opportunity and skillfully exploited it to convert it into a shopping festival that resulted in sales records. Following the enormous success of single's day, 11.11, there was soon a rise in other double-digit sales dates.

We conducted a study in Indonesia and Thailand to ask consumers about their purchasing patterns during the double-digit sales every month, and discovered interesting insights to their demographics, behaviour, spending and type of promotions that will attract the attention of the shoppers in these two countries.

Topics covered in this infographic:

  • Demographics of double-digit shoppers
  • Top period to shop for double-digit sales
  • Purchasing attitudes
  • Types of products purchased
  • Typical spending during the sales period
  • Kind of promotional campaigns that impacts them the most
  • Type of advertisements shoppers notice the most

Download the full infographic: Discovering the Double-Digit Sales Shoppers in Indonesia and Thailand

Contact us to learn how you can find out more in depth about these group of shoppers in other markets too


YouGov RealTime Omnibus provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on 16 – 26 September 2022, with an online representative sample of 2,114 adults in Indonesia and 2,068 adults in Thailand, using a questionnaire designed by YouGov.
Data figures have been weighted by gender, age, socioeconomic class, city tier to be representative of the adult online population in Indonesia (18 years or older), and reflect the latest Indonesian Bureau of Statistics (BPS) population; and gender, age, region and monthly household income to be representative of the adult online population in Thailand (18 years or older), and reflect the latest National Statistical Office of Thailand (NSO) population estimates Learn more about YouGov RealTime Omnibus.