UK Advertisers of the Month: Head & Shoulders, Specsavers, McDonald’s (August 2022)

UK Advertisers of the Month: Head & Shoulders, Specsavers, McDonald’s (August 2022)

Bhavika Bansal - August 29th, 2022

According to data from YouGov BrandIndex - which monitors consumer perceptions toward brands daily – Head & Shoulders, Specsavers, and McDonald’s made the biggest gains in Ad Awareness in the UK for the month of August 2022. Ad Awareness asks consumers if they have seen an advertisement for the brand in the past two weeks, and the difference between a brand's low and high scores for the month determine our Advertisers of the Month.

YouGov's monthly analysis indicates that Head & Shoulders secured the top spot with a rise of 6.7 points in its Ad Awareness score this month. It jumped from 15% on July 27 to 21.7% on August 22. Head & Shoulders recently launched their new multi-channel "I don't" campaign - promoting the regular use of the shampoo - across TV and social channels. At the end of this month, the brand also launched its new anti-dandruff shampoo bar, urging consumers to ‘Do their hair a solid’ in the new commercial.

In second place, optical retail chain Specsavers saw its Ad Awareness score improve by 5.4 percentage points. Its score rose from a minimum of 24.8% on August 1 to a maximum of 30.2% on August 25. The British brand recently launched its ‘I don’t go to Specsavers…they come to me’ campaign – a twist on their ‘Should’ve’ tagline. Featured across TV, print, radio, and other media, this is the brand’s first advert highlighting its home visit services.

Rounding up the top three Advertisers of the Month for August 2022 is McDonald's. The brand saw its Ad Awareness score move up 5.1 points, from 38.8% on July 26 to 43.9% on August 23. The global fast food giant just unveiled its new ‘MyMcDonalds Rewards’ loyalty programme in the UK with its latest ‘More Rewarding McDonald’s Moments’ campaign. Printed on a 35mm Kodak Film to have a unique cinematic look, the video spot is supported by social, influencer, radio and out-of-home content. The campaign will also feature celebrity-led product promotions throughout the UK.

Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. A brand’s Ad Awareness score is based on the question: “Which of the following consumer brands have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks?” and delivered as a percentage. The data is based on the interviews of US adults aged 18+ between July 26 and August 25, 2022. Learn more about BrandIndex.


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