Understanding UAE’s Gen Z travellers

Understanding UAE’s Gen Z travellers

Deeksha Raina - August 30th, 2022

Data from YouGov’s “Youth of Today, Travel of Tomorrow” report revealed that ‘Wanderlust’ may be hitting the Gen Z population in the UAE soon, now that the Covid-19 lockdowns are behind them, and travel opportunities are opening around the world, but what does this say about the behaviour of the new-age traveller?

YouGov’s latest infographic, ‘Understanding UAE’s Gen Z travellers' provides a detailed view of travel sentiments and top influences. Data reveals that 43% of Gen Z in the UAE are planning to travel internationally in the next 12 months.

Download the full infographic to get in-depth insights into the travel plans and preferences of Gen Z in the UAE.

The infographic includes:

  • Top 5 factors that influence Gen Zs consideration for a travel destination
  • What Gen Z are planning for their next holiday
  • Top accommodation choices

Fill out the form to download the infographic