Are Britons willing to pay extra for next day delivery?

Are Britons willing to pay extra for next day delivery?

Janice Fernandes - August 10th, 2022

According to YouGov data, over half of Britons say they are motivated to shop online because there’s a larger selection and it’s less fuss to order at home. The comparability and speed of shopping are some of the other major attractions.

By implementing measures like minimum order amount, additional charges for rushed delivery and paid return shipping, e-retailers have found ways to strike a balance between consumer convenience and business benefits.

Data from YouGov Profiles – an audience intelligence tool – reveals whether British consumers are willing to pay extra for next day delivery. We look specifically at consumers who tend to make all their purchases online in each category.

Overall, less than half of Britons say they are willing to pay extra for next day delivery. However, the figure rises to over three in five Britons who purchase their electronic devices (64%) and health and beauty products (62%) all online.

Half of clothes and shoes online shoppers (51%) are likely to pay extra for fast delivery. A similar share of food and groceries shoppers (50%) also say they’re willing to pay an additional amount for quick delivery, but they are the least likely of all consumers.

Although lower than those who agree, the figure of consumers who disagree with the statement is still significant. Around a third of online shoppers in each category say they are not willing to pay an added cost for speed delivery, especially for food and groceries (35%). The share of all British adults who are unwilling to pay extra goes up to nearly two in five consumers (39%).

Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for Great Britain is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.

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