Singaporeans would like to sleep for at least seven hours but only a quarter have that routine

Singaporeans would like to sleep for at least seven hours but only a quarter have that routine

Fiona Robinson - March 18th, 2022

Fewer than one-fifth have an uninterrupted sleep

Singaporeans have been cited as being amongst the most sleep deprived globally. While the National Sleep Foundation recommends at least seven hours of sleep each night, YouGov’s latest survey reveals only one in four people in Singapore (27%) have an ideal sleep cycle (of 7 hours or more).

It is most common for Singaporeans to get six to seven hours of sleep a night (39%), followed by four to six hours (32%). Residents also generally sleep less than they would like – a substantial eight in ten (80%), wish they had seven or more hours of sleep on the daily, but only a quarter (27%) actually do.

Among these sleep-deprived adults, six in ten snooze their wake-up alarms in the morning (59%). Gen Zs and Millennials are significantly more likely to hit the snooze button (76% for Gen Zs, 74% for Millennials), while Baby Boomers are most likely to either not snooze their alarms (43%) or not have any alarms at all (23%), likely due to many in this group being retired.

As for how good or bad these hours of sleep are, fewer than one-fifth of all respondents say they sleep through the night (17%), as compared to one-quarter (23%) who said the same when a similar study was run by YouGov in 2018, which could point to a declining sleep quality. Those who wake up in the middle of the night are most likely to stir between one and three times (72%).

***Results based on 1,051 Singapore residents surveyed on YouGov Omnibus