Finance AOTM: Scottish Widows

Finance AOTM: Scottish Widows

YouGov - November 9th, 2021

The UK Finance Advertiser of the Month for October is Scottish Widows. The insurance brand saw its Ad Awareness scores, a measure of whether consumers have seen an advertisement for a brand in the past fortnight, rise from 12.4 to 16.4 between September 26 and October 25 – (+4.1): an improvement of +5.3 on the previous four-week period (August-September).

The Lloyds-owned brand has had an active October, answering questions on how to invest a pension sustainably, the impact climate change might have on investments, and the effect of the 2021 Budget on its YouTube channel. Claiming Ad of the Month may, however, come as cold comfort for WPP, its advertising agency of 12 years – which, following a media review, has found itself replaced with Zenith.

It’s the latest in a number of shakeups for Scottish Widows, which saw its chairman, Nick Prettejohn, depart for TSB at the end of September 2021.


YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. Scottish Widows' Ad Awareness score is based on the question: "Which of the following have you seen an advertisement for in the past TWO WEEKS?" and delivered as a net score between –100 and + 100. Figures are based on a 4-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.