Residents Vote Downtown Dubai the Best Place to Live in the City
As residents of Dubai, we often hear conflicting tales about the best areas of this city to live. So YouGov decided to find out which area of Dubai really is the best place to set up home once and for all – by asking the residents that already live there. A total of 1804 residents from across Dubai were asked to rate their communities on factors from shopping and recreation to schools and healthcare, helping us unearth the undiscovered truths about Dubai’s residential areas. We then grouped these communities into 12 main areas based on the responses.
Downtown Dubai is rated the best area in the city to live overall, and is the area that residents are least likely to want to move out of. Boasting Dubai Mall, the largest of its kind in the world, it’s perhaps no surprise that the Downtown area was best rated for shopping and malls and for going out. It is also the most likely area to have pool and gym facilities.
Despite this, Downtown was narrowly beaten by the New Dubai area as the place that Dubai residents would most like to move to. Coming in second overall, New Dubai was the best rated areas for scenery and landscaping and for recreation.
At the other end of the scale, the International city and Silicon Oasis area was rated the worst place to live in Dubai. Residents rated this area 12th on the availability of schools and healthcare, on safety and security, community feel and accessibility.
To explore the full results of the survey for each area, please click the link below:
http://cdn.yougov.com/cumulus_uploads/inlineimage/2618/2Full table of rankings.jpg