Charting appetite for risk among Brits

Charting appetite for risk among Brits

YouGov - October 26th, 2021

From making investments to buying on credit, attitude to risk informs plenty of consumer behaviour. Continuously collected YouGov data shows how risky consumers feel they are in general by asking them where they land on a scale from zero to ten, zero being unwilling to take risks and 10 meaning fully prepared to do so.

Risk and gender

Looking at the first of three demographic slices, YouGov data shows men (30%) are considerably more likely than women (19%) to place themselves higher on the scale (seven and above). Conversely, women (33%) are more likely than men (22%) to put themselves lower on the scale, between zero and three.

Risk and income

Looking at income levels, we see Brits reporting an income higher than 200% of the nation’s median have a stronger appetite for risk (31%), compared to those in a lower income bracket and making less than 75% of the nation’s median (23%). This of course is to be expected as higher levels of disposable income allow for greater tolerance levels for risk when making financial decisions.

Risk and age

Risk – both financial otherwise – is often tied to age, but younger Brits aren’t significantly more willing to take risks. Middle-aged Brits, those between 35 and 54, look to be the readiest to take a risk (27%), ever so slightly more so than Brits aged 18-34 (26%), and those 55 and over (21%).

Whether it’s betting big on a football match or choosing a high-risk, high-yield investment, middle-age men with high incomes are the most willing to participate.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.