Indonesians intend to use personal vehicles more than the pre-pandemic times in the future

Indonesians intend to use personal vehicles more than the pre-pandemic times in the future

Sonika Choubey - September 30th, 2021

The desire to use personal vehicles in the next 12 months was the highest in Indonesia among the 17 surveyed markets

Data from YouGov’s latest report shows Indonesia is the top market that intends to use more of personal vehicles in the future as compared to other modes of transportations.

YouGov’s International Automotive Report 2021 is a 17-market study that examines the demographics, behaviors, and preferences of automotive consumers and how digital transformation has changed traditional car ownership and buying behaviors.

Across the 17 surveyed markets, a majority of people who buy and drive their own vehicle expect no change in the need for a personal vehicle (59%). A third (32%) stated a lesser or no need for a personal vehicle, while 18% expect a slightly or significantly more need for it.

When asked about their plans post-pandemic, “Personal Vehicle” was the only mode that had as many respondents saying they are likely to use it “more than before” the pandemic as the ones who said they will use it “less than before” (21% each). For all other modes of transport- Public transport, taxi/cab, ride hailing apps and shared cab services, a higher number of respondents said they will use each of these modes less than more in the future.

Globally, the desire to use personal vehicles in the next 12 months was the highest in Indonesia. One-third (33%) of Indonesian respondents say they will use their personal vehicle more in the coming year than they did in pre-pandemic times, compared to only 17% of respondents saying they will use it less. This behavioral change will have an impact on companies across the transportation landscape competing for this audience’s transportation expenditures.

On the other hand, the intent to use public transportation and ride-hailing apps is much lower among Indonesians.

When it comes to public transport usage, 39% of Indonesians say they are likely to use it less than the pre-pandemic times in the next 12 months while only 13% said they are likely to use it more.

Similarly, for ride-hailing services in the next 12 months, the more-to-less ratio was negative, with 37% of respondents saying they are likely to use this mode of transportation less in the future vs 16% saying they will use it more.

The data highlights pandemic-induced behavioral shifts in mobility and transportation. Personal vehicle usage is likely to increase in emerging markets with consumers seeking options with safer personal space.

Speaking about the paper, Suzanna Mitrovich, Global Sector Head, Automotive, YouGov said, “The automotive and mobility sector is going through a period of transformation, accelerated by digitalization enablement. Our report investigates how consumer attitudes have shifted during the pandemic, and which categories have changed as a result. It also provides an overview of mobility behaviors, examining what we should expect moving forward in a post-pandemic world.”

Download and read the full report here.