Despite Delta, American esports fans are comfortable going to live events

Despite Delta, American esports fans are comfortable going to live events

YouGov - September 24th, 2021

Despite COVID-19 yet again sending a chill through the United States - this time by way of the Delta variant - YouGov trended data shows most American esports fans are eager to attend live events.

A majority (54%) of those who are interested in esports say they are somewhat or very comfortable going to a live sporting event. Comfort level is currently at its highest since May 2020, when 47% were keen to be spectators.

This comfort is more prevalent among esports fans than it is sports fans, only 48% of whom currently indicate they are comfortable heading to an arena or stadium.

As of the beginning of September, our data shows 32% of esports fans aren’t quite ready for in-person events while 9% remain on the fence.

The current wave of cases brought on by the Delta variant has already scuttled plans for some events to return to normal. DreamHack Atlanta, which was set to go ahead from Nov. 12 to 14, has been postponed until 2022. “We know this decision is heartbreaking, but these are extraordinary times all over the world. The safety and health of everyone involved has never been more important to us than now,” said DreamHack’s vice president of festivals, Bas Bruinekoo.

The Overwatch League also announced its in-person events for its postseason would be canceled due to the threat of the variant. The event was initially scheduled to take place in late September.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Data referenced is based on a sample size of 101-188 US adults who are interested in esports. Learn more about Profiles.