Brands should segment audiences based on buying behaviours to drive sales  

New Ideas in Marketing - August 31st, 2021

Categorise audiences based on the device and their preferred channel to craft tailored campaigns.

Audience segmentation allows sales and marketing teams to classify prospects into cohorts and create targeted marketing and outreach initiatives based on interests and needs. Create marketing plans founded on the company's "short-to-long-term" goals by segmenting audiences into demographics, purchasing patterns, and intent to buy.

Understanding the reasons why customers buy certain products, as well as their consumer journey can help marketers effectively segment consumers based on intent. Marketers can develop highly-tailored messages by segmenting the consumer journey into awareness, consideration, and decisions phases.

Segment audiences by assessing prospects' engagement level and interest in marketing campaigns and creating upselling, retention messages accordingly. Develop personalised brand messages aligned with varied channels and platforms to provide audiences with a seamless consumer experience.

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