Ad of the Month (Hong Kong) – Alipay HK

Ad of the Month (Hong Kong) – Alipay HK

Aishwarya Dabhade - August 4th, 2021

Over the course of July, Alipay HK has seen a 13-point uplift in its Ad Awareness in Hong Kong.

Having been chosen as one of the four recognized electronic payment platforms under the consumption vouchers scheme, Alipay’s Ad Awareness score - which reflects the proportion of people who saw an ad for a brand in the prior two weeks - rose from 24% to 37% between June 27 and July 26.

The Hong Kong government entered the final stages of a scheme to distribute HK$5,000 of electronic consumption vouchers to local citizens. Alipay HK, being one of the selected operators to assist in implementing the scheme, saw good traction for its advertisements and promotions.

The brand launched a promotion asking customers to register for the scheme via the Alipay app, introducing various rewards, which potentially contributed to the quick rise in the percentage of people who saw the brand’s ad. Alipay HK’s Ad Awareness of July 2021 is the highest it’s been since we began tracking it three years and five months ago. But its increase over this month was almost matched by some of its rivals in the voucher scheme. WeChat Pay and Octopus Card, for example, both saw steep rises in their Ad Awareness over the same period as they competed over custom.

But for Alipay, the increase in Ad Awareness wasn’t all. The brand’s Recommendation score (a net score that tracks the percentage of customers prepared to recommend the brand) also rose from 15 points to 20 points between June 27 to July 26, indicating a set of customers happy with their experience.

Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. Alipay HK’s Ad Awareness score is based on the question: Which of the following Finance brands have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks? and delivered as a 37% score. Scores are based on an average daily sample size of 250 adults in Hong Kong between June 27 to July 26, 2021. Figures are based on a 4-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.