How Back Market achieved 20pt brand awareness increase with YouGov brand tracking

How Back Market achieved 20pt brand awareness increase with YouGov brand tracking

Emily Patel - June 7th, 2021

Business challenge

Enhance Back Market’s reputation during a rebrand while retaining existing customers.


YouGov’s living data, via a combination of a custom tracker, YouGov Profiles and YouGov BrandIndex.

Business outcomes

A significant increase in brand awareness, leading to further expansion into new markets.

Business challenge

A young and ambitious company, Back Market (BM) had changed its visual identity in early 2020, using YouGov RealTime research to assess its impact on their existing brand awareness.

In 2021, BM’s challenge was to quickly build their brand awareness in several new global markets via effective media campaigns, while still appealing to the core customers and prospects they had gained before their rebrand.

This meant that BM needed to continuously monitor their global brand awareness and assess the impact of their media campaigns in each market. In particular, they wanted to evaluate the performance of their German campaign and apply any additional learnings to their French and Spanish campaigns.

Solution & approach

YouGov provided BM with a custom brand tracker that included one Aided Awareness measurement per month. BM decided to expand their tracking to include multiple metrics for an even greater depth of insight into how their campaigns were performing locally and internationally, and at both ends of the product funnel.

To facilitate this, BM subscribed to YouGov Profiles and BrandIndex; two powerful data intelligence tools which can be used together to build a holistic profile of consumers, target them with precision, and then closely monitor how they respond to brand communications and campaigns.

YouGov BrandIndex empowered BM to track all of their Key Performance Indicators continuously, while YouGov Profiles enabled them to understand their target audiences across each key market in granular detail, as well as the most effective ways to reach them with their media campaigns.

BM used their combined subscription to monitor their brand awareness and track the direct impact of their campaigns. BM was able to understand why replicating the successful French campaign did not resonate as effectively for the German market, and subsequently identify which elements of the content were deemed less relevant and needed to be altered for the local audience.

Business outcomes

In the first year of their YouGov BrandIndex subscription in France, BM made significant gains in brand awareness: +13pts among National Population and approximately +20pts against their media target. As BM operates in multiple markets, YouGov co-ordinates a multi-country analysis for them, as well as delivering a newsletter of client updates. These insights enable BM to easily monitor and understand their business evolution over time.

BM have now directly integrated YouGov BrandIndex with their internal tools to drive the business with greater efficiency, and continue to use as they expand their reach into new global markets.

Client testimonial

“Thanks to its rich and agile connected tools, YouGov has quickly been identified as a key partner in Back Market’s local and international development. Additionally, the quality of the client service enables our teams across the globe to drive our business with the freshest and most reliable data on the market.”

- Guillaume Rouby, CMO of Back Market