Toyota tops YouGov Thailand’s 2021 Automotive Rankings

Toyota tops YouGov Thailand’s 2021 Automotive Rankings

Kim Ho - March 16th, 2021

· YouGov releases global ranking of best car brands

· Eight of top ten automotive brands are Japanese

· Honda (Motorcycles) consumers are the most satisfied (+30.4)

· BMW and Mercedes-Benz third (+35.0) and fourth (+29.3) for brands Thais most proud to work for

Toyota tops YouGov’s 2021 Automotive Rankings for Thailand with an Index score of +42.8, making it the car brand with the best overall brand health according to Thais.

The rankings are compiled using YouGov BrandIndex Index score, a measure of overall brand health calculated by taking the average of Impression, Quality, Value, Satisfaction, Recommend and Reputation scores. The rankings are measured from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2021.


Toyota tops the charts in every metric except for one, particularly when it comes to Value (measuring the brand that consumers think is the most value-for-money) with a score of +45.5, making it 9.8 points ahead Honda (Cars), the brand with the next highest score in this metric (+35.7). The one metric however that Toyota does not score top in is for Satisfaction (which measures how satisfied consumers are with that brand), narrowly beat out by Honda (Motorcycles) (+30.4).

Japanese brands dominate the top ten, with Honda (Cars) in second (+36.8), Honda (Motorcycles) in third (+32.0), Isuzu in fifth (+24.9), Mazda in seventh (+18.9), Yamaha in eighth (+18.5), Nissan in ninth (+17.9) and Mitsubishi in tenth (+15.8).

German automotive manufacturers make up the rest of the top ten. BMW comes in fourth (+25.5) and Mercedes-Benz in sixth (+20.1). They both fare well in the Reputation metric (which measures the corporate reputation of a brand by asking which brands consumers would be proud of working for). BMW comes in third (+35.0) and Mercedes-Benz in fourth (+29.3).