Ad of the month KSA – Maggi

Ad of the month KSA – Maggi

Imran Ahmed - March 10th, 2021

Over the course of February, Maggi achieved the highest uplift in Ad Awareness of any brand in KSA

Maggi, the international food brand particularly known for its seasonings and instant soups, saw the highest increase in Ad Awareness in Saudi Arabia this February. This comes as no surprise given that Maggi has recently launched its, “cook the difference with Maggi” campaign, showcasing and promoting easy, fast, and delicious recipes to cook at home using Maggi ingredients. The ads include appealing pictures of homemade recipes, directing viewers to Maggi’s KSA website to see more. In addition, Maggi also launched a new range of cooking pastes in February and the digital content promoting these already have over 1 million views on YouTube.

The success of the campaign and launch was captured by our online daily brand tracker, BrandIndex, which shows a +7.5 uplift in Ad Awareness when looking at Maggi’s score at the beginning of February (18.0) and at the end of month (25.5). BrandIndex also shows 8.6% more women have seen a Maggi advert in the last two weeks than men, this February.


Maggi was not only successful in increasing Ad Awareness last month, but also in improving Impression scores (whether or not someone has a positive or negative impression about a brand). Maggi’s Impression score was 18.0 on 4 February, but showed a +7.1 uplift by the end of the month. Furthermore, Consideration for the brand also saw an increase during February, going from a 26.4 score at the beginning of the month to 29.4 by the end. This +3.0 improvement in Consideration score shows that more people would consider buying a Maggi product next time they are in the market for a food product.

As the campaigns continue, our online brand tracker will continue to collect data on Maggi. From our BrandIndex tool, we will be able to continue to track Maggi’s Brand Health performance and see if the increase in Ad Awareness, Impression and Consideration translates into a bigger customer base.