Most men use hand soap or body wash to clean their face

Most men use hand soap or body wash to clean their face

Linley Sanders - March 3rd, 2021

When American men clean their face, most (56%) reach for the same type of soap that they use to wash their hands or body, according to YouGov data. Using regular bar soap or hand soap on the face can cause dryness and irritation — something that is only exacerbated in winter months. Additionally, most men also do not moisturize their face to offset for the dryness.

Only one-quarter (24%) of men use a specific face wash, while one in five (17%) men just wash their face with water. In contrast, two-thirds of women (64%) say they wash using a soap made specifically for the face. Just one in five women (21%) use a face or body wash on their face, while 13% just rinse with water.

Three in five men (60%) also say that they do not moisturize, compared to just 17% of women who never do. Half of women (49%) moisturize daily, and one-third (33%) use a moisturizer less regularly. Only two in five men (39%) moisturize at all — 16% do so daily, while one-quarter (23%) do it less frequently.

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See the toplines of this YouGov poll and for more information

Methodology: This YouGov Direct Poll of 3,978 US adults was conducted between February 6 - 7, 2021. Data were weighted according to age, gender, race, and education to be nationally representative of the United States. The margin of error for the entire sample is ±2.4%

Image: Getty