Half of Brits agree with plans to halt the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030

Half of Brits agree with plans to halt the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030

YouGov - February 25th, 2021

Three months ago Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a ten-point plan for a ‘green industrial revolution’, which included phasing out sales of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030. This week., Jaguar Land Rover announced that it would get ahead of that curve by ending production of all Jaguar petrol models by 2025.

In a November 2020 YouGov poll of 2,941 GB adults, almost half (49%) supported a ban on petrol and diesel cars, compared to almost a third (32%) who opposed the plans.


Support for the new plans is especially common amongst younger age groups – rising to just under two thirds (63%) of those aged between 18 and 24. That’s in stark contrast to approval levels amongst those aged 50 and above, which fall to two in five (44%).

The poll also finds that men are more likely to have an opinion on the issue and as a group are largely in favour of the changes (51% support vs 39% oppose). On the other hand, women appear less likely to have a strong opinion on the policy with 28% claiming they don’t know whether they would support the move. However, of those who do have an opinion, most are supportive (46% support vs 26% oppose).

Further analysis suggests that supporters of the ban are far more likely not to be a parent or guardian (52%) than those that oppose the ban (39%), while they are also more likely not to own a car (35% vs 19%). Supporters that do plan on buying a new car are much more likely to consider an electric (25%) or hybrid (27%) option than those opposed (10% and 18% respectively).

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