Snap poll: Half of voters say Biden should declare victory
Joe Biden has been elected the next President of the United States, according to several major news networks that have projected he will win Pennsylvania and Nevada.
Data from a YouGov Snap poll finds that half (50%) of registered voters believe that Biden should declare victory now that he has surpassed the 270 electoral college vote threshold he needs to win the presidency. About two in five (43%) think he shouldn’t declare victory yet.
Among Democrats, a majority (81%) say he should declare victory, while just as many (79%) Republicans think that Biden should not declare victory yet.
About half (53%) registered voters also say that Donald Trump should concede the election. Another 41% say he shouldn’t concede just yet.
Republicans (84%) are especially likely to say that Trump should not concede the election yet, while most Democrats (90%) believe that he should concede.
During the election, Trump claimed that the Democrats were trying to “steal” the election, saying “If you count the legal votes, I easily win. if you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us.”
Many Americans believe him: 36% think that voter fraud and/or vote rigging took place during the election, and think it happened to a large enough extent that it has affected the outcome. Another 15% believe that voter fraud/vote rigging has taken place, but it is not widespread enough to have affected the outcome of the election. A plurality (42%) say that voter fraud/vote rigging did not take place at this presidential election.
A majority of Republicans (79%) think that voter fraud has taken place, to a large enough extent that it has affected the outcome. About three-quarters (73%) of Democrats say that voter fraud has not taken place in this election.
See the toplines and crosstabs from this YouGov Snap Poll
Methodology: YouGov polled 1,283 registered voters. The survey was conducted on November 7, 2020 between 11:45 a.m. and 12:09 p.m. Eastern time. The survey was carried out through YouGov Direct. Data is weighted on age, gender, education level, political affiliation and ethnicity to be nationally representative of adults in the United States. The margin of error is approximately 3.4% for the overall sample.
Image: Getty