Vegans and meat eaters: how do they differ?

Vegans and meat eaters: how do they differ?

Connor Ibbetson - August 18th, 2020

Our choice of food can also reveal other habits. For instance, veggies are all about a nice cup of tea, but meat-eaters prefer coffee

Looking beyond the one obvious difference between vegans and vegetarians compared to those who eat meat, are they really that different when it comes to food habits?

Tea, or coffee?

YouGov Profiles reveals that vegans and vegetarians are more likely to prefer exotic teas than meat-eaters. Over half (56%) of those on a carnivorous diet say they drink classic English breakfast tea, compared to just 46% of those on a meat-free diet. The biggest difference between the groups, however, is herbal teas - which 29% of vegans and vegetarians enjoy, compared to just 8% of meat-eaters.


The two groups also disagree over infused teas, such as jasmine green tea, which vegans and vegetarians are again bigger fans of (23%) than meat-eaters (7%).

However, the disagreements between the groups are not limited to tea. When it comes to coffee vegans and vegetarians are more likely to be fans of frappuccinos (21%) than meat-eaters (9%). While those on a carnivorous diet are more likely to prefer a caffé latte (32%) than vegans and vegetarians (26%).

What about snacks?

As well as their hot drinks of choice, the groups also snack differently. When asked when they snack, over half of both groups say during movies, but meat-eaters (64%) are more likely to do so than vegans and vegetarians (57%).


The biggest difference between the groups comes from snacking and exercise, with 29% of vegans and vegetarians snacking before and after working out, compared to 12% of meat-eaters.

Who is more likely to eat out?

Tea, coffee, and snacks are one thing, but how about eating out? YouGov Profiles shows us that it is vegans and vegetarians who are most likely to be dining out recently, even at restaurants not specialising in vegan dishes.

For example, despite being famed for its chicken, 12% of vegans and vegetarians have eaten Nando’s in the last month, compared to 4% of meat-eaters.


Another one in ten (10%) vegans and vegetarians have eaten at Pizza Express, compared to 2% of meat-eaters, and 8% on a plant-based diet have visited a Harvesters compared to 3% of meat-eaters.

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