Facebook is the brand Malaysians would be proudest to work for

Facebook is the brand Malaysians would be proudest to work for

Kim Ho - April 24th, 2019

Facebook is the brand that Malaysians would be proudest to work for, new rankings from YouGov BrandIndex reveal.

The analysis looks at which brands people would be proud or embarrassed to work for. Global social media giant Facebook tops the list with a score of 46.3, with Malaysian financial institution Maybank in second place (43.6).


Automotive brands make up a significant part of the top ten. Mercedes-Benz comes in third (43.2), BMW takes fifth place (41.8) and Honda is in joint ninth (39.7). Digital brands also feature prominently Lazada in sixth (41.3), WhatsApp in seventh (40.4), and Google in eighth (39.8).

The list is completed by two airlines, with Singapore Airlines in fourth (42.0) and Malaysia Airlines in ninth (39.7).

The rankings also reveal the brands have seen the biggest increase in their scores over the past 12 months. E-commerce platform Shopee heads the list with a score increase of +21.4. It is followed by Chinese electronics manufacturer Huawei in second (up +11.6 points) and local car brand Proton in third (up +8.8 points).


Ervin Ha, Head of Data Products at YouGov APAC said: “For the second year in the row, Facebook is the employer Malaysians would most like to work for. Attracting a pool of talent to hire from can be difficult, but with a reputation like Facebook’s – it makes it easy for the brand to bring in top talent while continuing to focus on employee experience.”