A third of Hong Kongers believe their jobs are at risk from robots

A third of Hong Kongers believe their jobs are at risk from robots

Kim Ho - April 17th, 2019

Seven in ten believe the rise of automation will lead to a loss of jobs in the wider economy

Robots and automation are on the rise, and a third (35%) of Hong Kongers believe that robots will replace them at work, the latest YouGov Omnibus research reveals.

Those working in retail are the most concerned about machines taking their roles, with half (46%) thinking this is possible. At the other end of the scale, only one in seven (15%) of those working in teacher training and education believe they may be replaced by robots.


Half (49%) of Hong Kongers believe that robots will have some sort of effect on their jobs. Of those who think this, two thirds (66%) think it will happen in the next 10 years. Three in ten (30%) believe it will take ten years or more, and the remaining 3% already see their roles being affected by robots.

Almost all (98%) Hong Kongers use technology in their role. Three in ten (31%) say their job ‘very much’ involves technology, half (48%) state it ‘somewhat’ involves it and two in ten (19%) don’t use technology ‘very much’ in their work role. Only 2% have jobs that don’t involve technology.

While a third (36%) are “upskilling” – that is learning additional skills in technology, this jumps to over four in ten (45%) amongst those who believe their roles are ‘very likely’ to be replaced by robots.

Overall, seven in ten (72%) think that robots and automation will lead to a loss of jobs overall in the wider economy. The remaining three in ten (28%) think that this wider adoption of technology will lead to jobs being created.

Jake Gammon, Head of Omnibus at YouGov APAC commented: “As we ride the wave of automation, it’s interesting to see the wide gap between those who think it will lead to job losses overall and those who think their role could be taken by a machine. The question will be whether Hong Kongers are able to adapt to upcoming changes in the workforce.”

***Results based on 838 Hong Kongers surveyed by YouGov Omnibus
