What the British think of loyalty programmes

What the British think of loyalty programmes

YouGov - June 5th, 2018

What they want from loyalty programmes, who engages most, and the impact that offering a programme has on brands

Many people want and expect a brand to reward their loyalty. Almost six in ten (59%) GB adults think all brands should offer a loyalty programme, and over three quarters (77%) are subscribed to at least one programme - a figure that rises to 85% among women (vs 70% of men). More than seven in ten (72%) think loyalty programmes are a great way for brands and businesses to reward their customers.

However the data shows that no one size fits all. Different people have very different motivations for engaging with loyalty programmes and there are notable variations by industry, by demographic, and by brand.

This paper is a collaboration between YouGov and Mando-Connect, a loyalty specialist partnerships and rewards agency.

Combining YouGov’s brand tracking and audience segmentation tools with Mando-Connect’s loyalty and partnerships expertise, the paper explores loyalty motivations, attitudes, behaviours and impacts, and how they vary by sector and demographic — with clear direction for brands on how to get it right.

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