Sponsored content succeeds where other media fails

Sponsored content succeeds where other media fails

Elise Czajkowski - February 21st, 2018

In a content-saturated world, filled with ads and distractions, having two big entities like brands and publishers unite is a win for the reader

In recent years, sponsored content has become a go-to campaign strategy for marketers, brands, and publishers alike. Its effectiveness at sifting through the “noise” created by the sheer volume of internet content has encouraged both advertisers and publishers to explore the limits of the medium.

What makes sponsored content so appealing to brands is not just its ability to sell a product or experience; at its best, sponsored content can influence a brand’s reputation and build upon the trust that comes with a publisher’s audience.

In an age where there’s simply too much content, a partnership between brands and publishers was inevitable. In the battle against fragmented attention spans, an alliance between the two allows for the following to occur:

  • Less content is produced, which means less competition for eyeballs
  • Publishers benefit from additional resources that brands provide, whether it be manpower, money, or both, and still achieve an editorial goal – publishing more high-quality content
  • Brands overcome trust issues by taking advantage of the publisher’s audience, who are already on the site waiting to be engaged or entertained.

Read more in YouGov’s latest report: “Drawing Attention in a Distracted World: The Success of Sponsored Content”.

Image: Getty