How Would Indonesian Welcome Visitors to the Country?

How Would Indonesian Welcome Visitors to the Country?

YouGov - December 21st, 2015

Indonesia is one of the most fast growing countries in Asia Pacific. More and more people travel to Indonesia for work and holiday in the recent years. However, are the Indonesian ready to give the visitors a warm welcome? In this survey, YouGov polled 1,000 people in Indonesia in November 2015, to investigate their acceptance towards visitors. All data was collected from YouGov panellists and weighted to be representative of the online population.

On a scale 1-10, where 1 being totally unacceptable and 10 being most welcome, Indonesian’s acceptance towards foreigners who come for business is scored at 7.3; acceptance towards foreigners who come for leisure is scored at 8.9; acceptance towards foreigners who come for cultural exchange is scored at 7.9; acceptance towards foreigners who come for study is scored at 8.7; and acceptance towards foreigners who come for visiting family is scored at 8.7.

There are some non-profit making organizations promoting Indonesian art and culture in foreign countries. 80% of Indonesian agree that overseas expos and exhibitions which introduce Indonesian art and culture would help attracting more foreigners to visit Indonesia.

At individual level, the majority of Indonesian (84%) are very pleased to introduce Indonesia’s fine arts, culture, and/or culinary to foreign visitors in Indonesia.

When asked “If you are approached by foreign visitors in Indonesia for directions, what would be your immediate response?”, 82% of Indonesian would response in English or other appropriate foreign languages and help as much as they can, while 15% would only provide simple direction due to language barriers.

Among all Indonesian art and culture, 70% of respondent would recommend traditional food culinary to foreigners to experience, 67% would recommend traditional fabric or dresses, 63% would recommend traditional folk dance, 58% would recommend traditional local festival (such as karapan sapi, canoe festival, etc.), and 40% would recommend traditional ceremony (example for wedding, funeral, birth, etc.).

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