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From high-street shoppers, to high-end shoppers, online or ‘offline’ shoppers, reach your ideal audience in a meaningful way with the help of living consumer intelligence from YouGov.
See how your campaigns affect consumer opinions, instantly. Make informed, strategic decisions that expand brand reach, drive consumer advocacy, and increase ROI.
YouGov’s latest global FMCG/CPG & retail whitepaper explores changing shopping habits amid the cost-of-living crisis.
We reveal the categories consumers are spending more on, those they're cutting back on, emerging trends, the ways in which brands can support consumers, and the outlook for the year ahead.
From high-street shoppers, to high-end shoppers, online or ‘offline’ shoppers, reach your ideal audience in a meaningful way with the help of living consumer intelligence from YouGov.
YouGov has over 15 years of living consumer intelligence on the retail sector. Future-proof your strategy and keep pace with consumer shopping preferences by exploring our latest industry insights below.
Women are more likely to be primary decision makers for grocery shopping, men for finance
AI integration into products has a no major impact on two in five consumers’ purchasing decisions
Where are viewers most likely to notice promotional campaigns for new movies?
To trust or not to trust - Consumers trust German products the most, Chinese ones the least
Vacation spending - food, accommodations take priority over shopping, transport
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"Being able to tap into YouGov’s suite of products allowed us to evaluate and directly attribute the increase in brand awareness for Coors Banquet... using YouGov BrandIndex for brand health tracking, combined with YouGov Profiles"