
Toys, in the eyes of the responsible shopper

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2 in 5 toy buyers don’t think toy companies prioritize producing their products sustainably, and more than half are concerned that they sell toys that contain inappropriate adult themes.

Drawing on a deep-dive study in the US, GB, France, and Germany, we have analyzed attitudes toward the toy industry and consumer concerns when purchasing toys.

Key takeaways to discover:

  • The main ethical concerns when purchasing toys
  • The significance of sustainability for toy buyers
  • How the toy industry can meet the expectations of green consumers
  • The profile of the frequent toy shopper: how they consume media, how to reach them – and what’s considered important when buying a toy


The insights in this report are drawn from more than 8,000 interviews with consumers in the US, GB, France, and Germany. We have connected this research to our global connected data, allowing us to merge our respondents and their answers to the 1 million consumer attributes that we collect on an ongoing basis for audience segmentation and profiling.