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Quotable Questions: Turning Views into News

YouGov Virtual Roundtable
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A roundtable on mastering survey-driven media pitches 

Surveys can be magic for your PR: making news out of nothing. But crafting data- and opinion-driven narratives that will resonate with journalists and captivate their audiences requires a mix of art and science.

Join our expert panel of journalists and PR pros on Thursday, June 22 at 2:00 pm EST / 11:00 am PST for invaluable insights. We'll cover tips on identifying newsworthy angles, structuring surveys for media appeal, and effectively pitching survey findings in a way that generates more coverage. 

Register for the June 22 roundtable to learn: 

  • What reporters look for in survey-driven stories 
  • How to design Qs that will get your brand in news 
  • Best practices for survey methodology (sample size, segmentation, question framing, timeliness) 
  • Actionable ideas for your next pitch

Meet the panelists: 

  • Noah Pransky, National Political Correspondent @ NBC
  • Aimee Grove, Principal @ Smitten Communications
  • Allie Tedone, Vice President @ Diffusion PR
  • Larry Shannon-Missal, Head of Research @ YouGov America

This discussion will be moderated by Bernadette Maher, VP, Head of Client Engagement Management @ YouGov.