GB and UK Omnibus

Get the insight or media presence you need. Next-day results from a daily survey of 2,000 adults, with full-service support and live reporting. Ask us about other deliverables and extra demographic analysis.

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GB and UK Omnibus rates

Full-service support, including survey design and advice, plus live reporting of your results. Data tables include analysis by gender, age, region, social grade, social media use, parents (by age of child), children in household, working status and marital status.


Book space on the nation’s market-leading omnibus



Single or multiple choice (up to 10 answers per question)


Scale Question

Statements answered against a scale (per every 3 statements)



Full verbatim answers (coding services also available)



Use images for a more engaging survey (video options available)



Full Excel(TM) tables, PowerPoint(TM) summary charts (if requested), plus live and final results available via our interactive online analytics platform.