YouGov Travel Oracle Finds 42% in MENA Traveled for Leisure Last Year

YouGov Travel Oracle Finds 42% in MENA Traveled for Leisure Last Year

Courtney Parker - January 29th, 2014

The YouGov Travel Oracle is a trans-regional MENAPIC study covering leisure and business travel habits, drivers, spend and recent behavior. 2013 Sample total of ~36,000 respondents across 23 countries.

A couple of key highlights from this year’s Travel Oracle show:

  • The most popular leisure travel destinations in 2013 were the UAE (12%) and KSA (8%). However if given the opportunity, the largest proportion of respondents wish to travel to the USA (9%).
  • Visiting friends and relatives was the most common reason for leisure travel (20%)
  • When deciding on a leisure location, the most important attributes include ‘reasonable cost’ (42%), ‘good weather’ (42%) and ‘safety and security’ (39%)
