UK: Which brands won the most eyeballs over Christmas 2024?
We're a little of the way into 2025 now, and that means we can declare some winners in 2024's battle for festive attention. YouGov BrandIndex UK lets us look at how a range of brands in a range of sectors performed over the last Christmas period.
In the grocery sector, M&S was the clear winner in terms of overall Ad Awareness: its score of 41.4 at the end reflected a campaign where - as our tracker shows - it stole an early lead thanks to its ads starring Dawn French: a lead it seldom relinquished. With a change of 13.0 points from its score at the start of November it also saw the biggest improvement of any brand.
In the fashion & beauty sector, M&S was also the overall winner, with Ad Awareness scores rising to 43.8 by the end of December: a change of 9.7 points on its score at the beginning of November.
But the prize for "most improved" goes to Boots, whose scores rose from 17.9 to 28.6: an uptick of 10.7 points across the season.
Finally, in the general merchandise sector, Amazon came out on top, with an Ad Awareness score of 41.1. The biggest improvement, however, came from John Lewis. The retailer's decision to set its 2024 ad in its own store attracted a great deal of commentary, as usual - but it also attracted attention. Ad Awareness scores rose from 13.3 to 27.8, a jump of 14.5 points.
We'll be back next year to monitor how brands perform in the 2025 Christmas season. If you want to see how your brand - or your competitors - are perceived by the UK public, get in touch with our team today.