Has Allstate scored with its college football sponsorships?
Allstate’s long-standing connection to college football, symbolized by its iconic ‘Good Hands’ logo on goalpost nets across stadiums, has made the Illinois-based insurance brand a familiar name in the college sports landscape. Now, as the brand expands its sponsorships beyond football, YouGov BrandIndex data sheds light on the impact of this strategic focus.
Among college football fans—defined as those who watch most or all games played by their favorite teams—Allstate enjoys a Consideration score of 21.2%. This places the brand significantly above its Consideration rate of 15.9% among all U.S. adults. Allstate ranks as the fifth most considered insurance brand within this audience. Notably, college football fans are 33% more likely to consider Allstate than the general public, a lift surpassed only by USAA (57%).
This uplift aligns with the brand's targeted marketing efforts. Ad Awareness among college football fans—measuring the percentage who recall seeing an Allstate ad in the past two weeks—averages 38.8%, far exceeding the 28.2% among the general U.S. population.
As Allstate forays into partnerships in the world of college sports beyond football, it is worth understanding how it places currently among audiences that follow other college sports. YouGov BrandIndex reveals that Allstate has a fractionally higher Consideration rate among college basketball fans – 22.5% vs 21.2% among college football fans. This could be partially explained by the fact that there is a significant overlap between the fan bases – 75% of college basketball fans are also college football fans.
This gives the insurance brand an opportunity to further deepen its ties with an existing fan base, while also reaching significant number of new eyeballs. It’s worth noting that Allstate has announced plans to connect with a variety of college level sports via a partnership with the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA). Audiences for other college sports may vary quite significantly from the college basketball audience we’ve used as an example above.