67% of Americans choose hybrid cars for low running costs

67% of Americans choose hybrid cars for low running costs

Janice Fernandes - September 12th, 2024

As electric vehicle sales slow, many carmakers like Ford and Jeep have noticed an increased demand for hybrid cars. But how many Americans are interested in a hybrid and what’s stopping them?

According to a recent YouGov Profiles survey, 22% of Americans planning to purchase a new car within the next 12 months would consider a hybrid. This figure surpasses the 15% who would consider an electric vehicle and is second only to petrol cars (40%), indicating an interest in hybrids.

Why Americans are choosing hybrids

The primary reason why Americans would consider buying a hybrid car is low running costs, with 67% citing this as a factor. This includes savings on taxes, maintenance, and charging, all of which help make hybrids an economical choice over time. Environmental considerations also play a significant role, with 59% of prospective buyers selecting hybrids for their reduced emissions. As fuel prices continue to rise, 49% of consumers view hybrids as a smart choice to cut down on fuel costs.

Brand loyalty impacts a smaller but still significant portion of buyers, with 26% choosing hybrids because they like a specific manufacturer. Affordability is also becoming a factor, as hybrids become more competitively priced, with 24% mentioning low purchase prices and low insurance costs (24%). Future proofing against the decline of petrol and diesel vehicles influences 23% of consumers. Other benefits include the quietness of hybrid engines (21%) and unique features and designs, appealing to 18% of prospective buyers.

Barriers to hybrid adoption

Despite their growing popularity, hybrids still face some challenges in terms of adoption. The initial cost of hybrids is higher than that of traditional gasoline-powered cars, deterring 49% of potential buyers. Charging-related issues are also prominent, with 28% of potential buyers concerned about charging time and an equal percentage stating that they do not have the space or capability to charge at home. The longevity of hybrid batteries (26%) and a perceived lack of charging stations (25%) further deter some buyers.

Other reasons against hybrid adoption include a reduced range of models available (24%). Additionally, 20% of consumers believe that hybrids offer lower performance in terms of speed compared to “traditional” engine types. Some are confused by financial benefits and tax breaks (16%) or are concerned about the sustainability of lithium mining and battery disposal (13%).

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the United States is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education and region. Learn more about Profiles

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