Can sustainability focused American gyms make big gains?

Can sustainability focused American gyms make big gains?

Rishad Dsouza - August 12th, 2024

A new YouGov Surveys poll reveals that two thirds of current or potential gymgoers say that sustainability is an important factor when choosing membership of a gym or fitness center (65%). Almost a third (30%) say it is ‘very important’ to them.

Among those aged between 18-34, the emphasis on this factor rises to 71%, significantly higher than those aged over 55 (52%), but not too dissimilar from those aged 35-54 (68%). Women (67%) are more likely than men (62%) to regard sustainability as an important factor when choosing a gym or fitness center.

Gains are to be had for gyms by orienting themselves as sustainability and climate conscious service providers, but it is important to pinpoint the exact sustainability-focused initiatives that clients are after. Among gymgoers and seekers who rate sustainability as an important factor, the simple act of providing recycling bins and promoting waste reduction can be a big draw.

Nearly half of them say they would like to see this implemented at their current gyms or ones they join (45%). Elimination of single use plastics at the gym could also make a strong impression (44%) as can the use of renewable energy sources to power operations (43%). Equipment that can harvest energy generated from user’s workouts also have big appeal (43%).

Offering gym equipment made from sustainable materials is also something a plurality of sustainability-minded consumers would seek out (38%), particularly among those who describe sustainability as a very important factor (48%).

This level of variation is also seen for factors like green building practices in the construction and maintenance of gyms (37% vs 25%) and implementation of a bike-to-gym program or providing incentives for public transportation (29% vs 23%).

But sustainable practices could go beyond just drawing in a first wave of consumers, as it could trigger an uptick in referrals. Nearly half of current gym seekers and gymgoers who rate sustainability as an important factor in their choice of gym say they would be very likely to recommend a fitness centre that promotes sustainability initiatives to others (48%). This rises to 65% among those who say sustainability is a very important factor.

So, it is important for fitness brands to not only implement sustainable initiatives, but to also make sure that their clients find out about these aspects. As of now, a quarter of sustainability seeking gymgoers or seekers say it is very easy to find information about the sustainability credentials of gyms or fitness centres (26%). Another 37% of them say it is somewhat easy to find this information.

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YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on August 2024, with a nationally representative sample of 2,539 adults (aged 18+ years) in the US, using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, race, gender, education, and region to be representative of all adults in the US (18 years or older), and reflect the latest population estimates from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Image Credit: Victor Freitas via Pexels